The African Working Group on Gender and Climate Change calls for a move from mainstreaming to integration

The African Working Group on Gender and Climate Change has identified gender integration as a key component to the continent’s implementation of the Paris...

Porsche wins manufacturers’ world championship with the 919 Hybrid

Stuttgart. Porsche became the World Champions again. The sports car brand from Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen with the innovative Le Mans Prototype Porsche 919 Hybrid secured...

GCC’S Food imports to double to US$53.1 billion by 2020, says throught leadership report

Dubai, UAE: The GCC’s food import bill will double over the next few years to a value of US $53.1 billion, says a MEED...

The LIA “steering committee” threatens to undermine the LIA’s multi-million dollar litigations. It cannot be allowed to do so

Libya is a nation plagued by internal conflict, as the recent attempted coup illustrated only too well. Many of the rifts that exist between...

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